The excursion to “La Trapa” is one of the nicest of the classical excursions that you can make in Mallorca. The starting point is in the locality of Sant Elm or San Telmo, situated on the shores of the sea on the extreme westerly point of Tramuntana mountain range. The objective of the round trip excursion is to reach the remains of the Trapense monastery which dates back to the early nineteenth century, from it’s vantage point you can admire the impressive views of the island of Sa Dragonera and Basset cove. During the excursion to La Trapa you will observe the diverse elements of traditional arquitecture, for example its terraces, a blood windmill, it’s blades it is also a fantastic look out point with views to the island of Sa Dragonera, its silhoette reminding us of a dragon as we look out to sea.
At Linx Balears we are aware of the treasure in which we live and its cultural heritage. The deterioration of these infrastructures is constant as a result of the passage of time and that is why we wanted to contribute our bit in the best possible way. For this reason, Linx has made a commitment with the GOB (Grup Balear d’Ornitologia I Defensa de la Naturales) to the FREE distribution of TOTALLY natural materials for the restoration of said infrastructures.
Among these materials we can highlight: Colorants, natural cork agglomerate, picadis, hydraulic lime, pure lime and breathable sheets. All these materials are biodegradable so as not to cause an ecological impact on the environment.
We are very happy to help in everything we can and more if it is to help the island we live on, “WHY IF IT IS FOR THE ISLAND, WHAT I DO IS MISSING”.